Enterepreneurship in recession times: Mar de Envero revolutionizes the Rías Baixas

Emprender en tiempos de crisis: Mar de Envero revoluciona los Rías Baixas

11/3/2009 - El Correo Gallego

The recession does not stop Galician entrepreneurs, who continue creating projects in spite of the problems of the banking to the faucet of the money, the increasing delinquency and the fall of the consumption.

In times where the words recession or unemployment are heard every day, and in that there are detected the real brave ones that dare to generate wealth and employment with everything against them examples are not absent in Galicia of which it is late to start the initiatory good one ever. [...] Mar de Envero, a Rías Baixas from Cambados's, born of the initiative of two partners from Santiago. We are talking about an Albariño 100 % made of less, possible to request in approximately 200 places of Galicia, though the winery tries to take it for the whole Spain and even to cross the puddle to the conquest of Mexico or The United States. Excellent to drink while having a toast to celebrate de successes of the country. [...] After launching it one year ago to the market this new reference in the middle of the recession, with a production of 30,000 liters, Moreira is not frightened and he thinks already about new offers, though, at the moment, " we would like to guarantee the brand ".